It's not just about classes, it's about encounters. Encounters with the Holy Spirit and with peers & leaders will provide exposure and practice of what you're learning in the classroom. During your 9 month intensive year at RSM, you will be strategically placed in the below Immersion opportunities as a part of your journey.
Pastoral Impartation
Spending time 1 ON 1 with ministers in the field and learning how to cultivate relationships with peers, leaders and make network connections. Having specific time with the Founders of RSM to hear about what God is saying for this time.
Church Immersion
Learning and serving in the departments that make up the church body and how the accomplish what God has called them to. Understanding each area is critical to have a holistic outlook of the Kingdom of God.
Community Immersion
Monthly Labs: Taking one weekend a month that is dedicated to volunteering to apply learned principles within the community.
Homeless Ministry
Local Sidewalk Ministry
Prison Ministry
Kingdom Missions Immersion
In State & Out of Country Mission Trips
Experience revival within the US and gain exposure to different types of ministries.
Taking revival to other countries and seeing how different cultures view and experience God.
Prayer & Intercession
Weekly time dedicated to group prayer and intercession let by you as the student as well as RSM & RTTN Staff