Financial Details

Download our financial detailed information for payment deadlines & financial policies for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year. Contact Student Finance Office for further questions,  Email Student Finance Office


A non-refundable, non-transferable deposit is due within 30 days of your acceptance email, or immediately if you are accepted after July 1.  Your deposit counts towards your tuition costs for the year and secures your registration.

Application Fee

To be able to register for classes, Students must have paid at least their deposit and the first payment.  An installment plan is available and consists of two equal payments after the first payment has been paid.


RSM does not currently offer any Scholarships for students. We hope and pray that in the near future we will be able to setup a scholarship fund that students can apply for.


Following your acceptance, a fee of $ 300 will be due June 30th, 2025 along with the completed housing application. First year students will be required to do on-campus housing. Exemption process is available.

Domestic Fees

To be able to register, Domestic Students must have paid at least their deposit and the first payment.  An installment plan is only available to domestic students, and consists of two equal payments after the first payment has been paid

Redemption School of Ministry is authorized for operation as a postsecondary educational institution by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission.

In order to view detailed job placement and graduation information on the programs offered by the Redemption School of Ministry, please visit

Tennessee Higher Education Commission

Transferability of Credit Disclosure : Credits earned at Redemption School of Ministry may not transfer to another educational institution. Credits earned at another educational institution may not be accepted by the Redemption School of Ministry. You should obtain confirmation that the Redemption School of Ministry will accept any credits you have earned at another educational institution before you execute an enrollment contract or agreement. You should also contact any educational institutions that you may want to transfer credits earned at the Redemption School of Ministry to determine if such institutions will accept credits earned at the Redemption School of Ministry prior to executing an enrollment contract or agreement. The ability to transfer credits from the Redemption School of Ministry to another educational institution may be very limited. Your credits may not transfer and you may have to repeat courses previously taken at the Redemption School of Ministry if you enroll in another educational institution. You should never assume that credits will transfer to or from any educational institution. It is highly recommended and you are advised to make certain that you know the transfer of credit policy of the Redemption School of Ministry and of any other educational institutions you may in the future want to transfer the credits earned at the Redemption School of Ministry before you execute an enrollment contract or agreement.